Monday, February 2, 2009

An Introduction to our Blog

Dean’s Date Assignment (Due 5/11)

Every week for weeks 2-11 each of you will post either an entry or a response to an entry for this class blog. Posts should be at least 200 words, but may be longer. They MUST address a contemporary issue/controversy in human experimentation. You may address the structure of the issue, or choose a side in the controversy and argue for your position. For inspiration, try reading some of the bioethics blogs linked from ours. Include links to any sources you refer to or cite.

Please remember that everything you post will be available to the public, and it’s entirely possible that people from outside Princeton will find this blog and comment on what you write. (It happened last year.) Think about what you are writing and how your writing makes you look.

Group 1 will post entries and Group 2 will post responses beginning in week 2.

Blog entries must be posted by midnight on Monday, and comments by midnight on Friday.

At the end of the semester, you should revise your blog entries. As a group, your five best blog entries or comments will become the Dean’s Date Assignment, and will be graded for argument, structure, clarity, etc.

Some Advice:

You can find an infinite number of pages offering advice on what makes a good blog post. I’ve taken the main points from and edited those suggestions for this assignment. (Feel free to read that post in its entirety.)

• Good blog posts are laser-focused

• Good blog posts have original content

• Good blog posts have links to their sources and other relevant information

• Good blog posts are readable

• Good blog posts have accurate intriguing titles

Look at posts from last year, especially those of Adam Rosenthal and Alex Hwang.

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